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How does it work?

Health status of the field

Via our online platform, satellite data (NDVIs) show the variability of the field and a general state of health. This information is based on the color (green) of the plant.

Kalibrierung mit lokalen Daten

In order to be able to give an accurate fertilizer recommendation, the satellite data must be calibrated with local nitrate measurements, which is easily possible with our sensors.

What needs to be done in the field?

The nitrate content of the plants can be determined directly on site in four simple steps.

Sample collection

For the plant analysis, we take a few plants from the field and cut 1-2 cm off the stem near the roots. This is where the nitrate concentration is most constant and therefore most reliable.


We have just given the garlic press another function! With a simple press, it is possible to extract a few drops of plant juice to fill our sensor.

Ein Tropfen reicht!

If you can see the drop, you can measure it! Driven by the capillary effect, the drop rises into the test strip.

Nitrate measurement

The test strips can be read with the help of a measuring device (potentiostat) developed by us. The filled test strip is simply inserted into the device and the measurement is started by a simple push of a button.

Do you want to test your field?

During LiveSen-MAP, we will test fields all over Germany in the year 2024-2025
